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20 years strong, PMC continues to be known as the company that leverages tech while remaining hands on and personable with each and every customer and business partner.

The expansion of the partnership with Blend will continue to build PMC’s tech-stack and improve the experience for their home buyers. Blend, a leader in cloud banking software, is a 24/7 digital assistant to help deliver the experience your clients expect while keeping you free to focus on building and strengthening relationships and improving collaboration with your team.

“PMC is in its second full year of partnership with Blend. We have watched them become the world-class leader not only as a point-of-sale, but for the entire end-to-end borrower experience,” said Kevin Peranio, Chief Lending Officer at PMC.

“I am both humbled and amazed at the accomplishments we have made as an organization over the last two decades” said, Paul Rozo, PMC CEO. “With Blend in place, we are well postured to start chipping away towards the next set of milestone accomplishments on the horizon for PMC.”

This new addition with Blend is the perfect way to close out 2021 strong. Moreover, 2022 is already shaping up to becoming another milestone year for PMC as the company pivots toward new technology and more growth.

READ Additional Articles here: BusinessWire, Yahoo, Global FinTech Series, or The Register Herald detailing PMC’s growing partnership with Blend.
